May 20, 2008

Golden Gate Bridge & Marin Headlands Loop

來到bay area的幾個月,由於本身並沒有汽車的緣故,因此很多時候好玩有趣的美麗景點並無法一一踏足。然而就在前些時候,因緣際會在網路上找到一台大賣場的二手Schwinn登山車代步。也因此,從小只把腳踏車當作代步工具的我,興起了和大家一樣騎單車出遊的念頭。秤秤斤兩,幾個月下來大約每天騎7 miles通勤,鐵屁股應該也練成了一半,該是嘗試讓自己的登山車名副其實的時候。

稍做功課,舊金山灣區其實有著數不清的trail可以騎。從North Bay的Euruka往南騎回舊金山金門大橋的路線,更是被許多Mountain Biking的書籍評為世界級的trail之一。當然,由於時間空間更重要是金錢的限制,不可能真正挑戰類似七天六夜的行程。不過,若是挑其中一小段來入門,似乎是個不錯的選擇。更重要的是,沒有汽車的一般同學我,也有辦法挑戰呢!於是稍做準備,挑了個天氣不算太曬了周末便起了個大早出發。

目標:騎過金門大橋,征服Marin Headlands


一出車站再轉個彎,映入眼簾的便是舊金山巨人隊的主場AT&T Park。

到達舊金山市區約莫早上八點半,街上早起慢跑運動的人不算太多。沿著海岸線繼續騎,馬上可以看到舊金山另外一座連接Oakland的大橋Bay Bridge。

接下來就是舊金山著名的觀光景點,Pier 39漁人碼頭。此處也有提供腳踏車出租,各種款式任君挑選。印象中租金不是太便宜,但聽說車子好像還不錯。過了漁人碼頭開始有一小段上坡,不過由於是行人及單車專用道,騎起來倒也相當舒適。

差不多騎了約9 miles便來到了橋下。今天霧其實不小,遠眺金門大橋的拱門整座埋在霧裡,好在騎上橋後稍有好轉。不若許多玩攝影又玩單車的前輩,雖然身上只有照相手機一支,但能夠拍個幾張照片作紀念總是比較滿足。畢竟親自騎過這座舉世聞名的大橋依然相當開心!



Sausalito現為當地人著名觀光景點。山坡地形加上ocaen view,一路上可以看到許多精緻的別墅。某些好野人的後院還自己加裝了纜車呢! 總之,窮學生就是吃個omelet配上培根與起司,打好水再次上路,前往Marin Headlands。

上面這張是出發前拍的,表情頗可愛,好像在跟我說“看啥小~” XD

剛剛愉快的下坡現在就要付出代價拉,大約40度的上坡還真是不小的負擔。橫跨101高速公路之後正式進入Marin Headlands的區域,一路上仍就是不斷的上坡。好在騎個幾英哩就會有很好的view,欣賞的舊金山灣區美景同時當然就順便小歇一會。



總之,辛苦了半天堅持不下來牽車,撐了半天終於也是騎到了今天行程的最高點Hawk Hill,標高大約280公尺。值得一提的是,這塊區域在二次大戰的時候是美軍的基地,因此留有許多碉堡之類的遺跡。

到了最高點當然就是享受爽快下坡拉!此時終於感受到剎車的重要,好在單車配備的linear brakes尚稱堪用。畢竟一不小心,整個人可能就飛下山了。

下一站:Point Bonita的燈塔。


燈塔在橋的另一端,但這座橋兩端竟然有管理員在控管?好奇上前詢問,結果聊了兩句才發現我忽略了其實很明顯的告示:湊近瞧瞧,哇靠!年久失修也太誇張了點。竟然一次只能容納兩人通過! 加上四周的大霧和懸崖峭壁,實在是很難得又特別的景觀和體驗。

離開很恐怖的懸崖峭壁,繼續前往下一站Rodeo Beach。由於太陽公公早已躲到瞞天大霧之後,此時的海灘還滿冷的。不過仍就有稀疏的老外在衝浪。其實要是好天氣的話應該是個不錯的點,大約一公尺左右高的浪不會很碎也滿漂亮,。不過海面下是石頭還是沙子就不得而知。看著一坡又一坡的浪,不禁懷念起去年在佳樂水的狂風暴雨中衝浪。


根據當時手邊的地圖上標示,Coastal Trail是紮紮實實的dirt road and single-track。而且這段小路應該是往北的Bobcat Loop一起服用,難度等級是四顆星difficult!當時的我又累又渴,又不確定這條路會不會繞遠路,而且我有的只是一台大賣場的21段變速二手車 orz 老實說真不應該貿然前進。但是,也許就是這種挑戰未知的興奮感覺淹沒了一切,問問自己:難道不會想知道山頭的另一邊是會通到哪嗎?










Tour San Francisco:Marin Headlands
Two-wheel Drive:Sunday at the Marin Headlands
The SF Insider:Top 5 Biking Trails in Marin
Bike the Bridge!Maps and Guide

May 11, 2008

KFOG KaBoom! 2008 @ San Francisco 5/10

About a month ago, Ashley told me that Collective Soul will join 15th Annual KFOG KaBoom, and tickets are only $15 each in advance. Moreover, there'll be fireworks after the concert! Sounds cool! Therefore, I told her just to buy the tickets without any hesitate.

Along with Ashley and her roommate Chun, we decided to take Bart to SF downtown. However, the lane between Fremont and Hayward seemed to have problem.(It's so ironic when I came back home and saw this.) Finding a parking space near Fisherman's Wharf has never been easy, but it's probably the best choice for us. Luckily, we still made it. When everything was settle down, First act, Matt Nathanson, was just begun.

He's not bad. Matt performed some radio-friendly songs. Smooth, laid-back listening, yet not that impressive enough. There are too many similar artists, and he doesn't make his stuff unique. Additionally, I think the first few songs such as “Car Crash” were better than the last song, which should be his most-remarkable one. Well, it's all personal preference. Maybe it also indicates that he's still improving himself.

Later, we “Rock ABC” split,(Ashley, Bob and Chun :p what a coincident.) and tried to find some interesting vendors. Food and drinks everywhere, also souvenirs by sponsors. There's a game held by Hornitos tequila. Once you spin the wheel, you have chance to get the prize where it stops. Honestly, the prize sucked. they're just promotion CD and something like pencils...I forgot. The first prize was a T-Shirt, yet you got very little chance to win unless you have beginner's luck like me XD.

Collective Soul took the stage next. The bittersweet post grunge group is still groovy. After the opening riff of “December”, the atmosphere went completely different. When the second song “Heavy” started, the crowd came back alive :p. So many years have passed, the band rocks as they never leave the stage. Since Nu-Metal and Indie-Rock became almost the mainstream of rock & roll, to see a lively post-grunge performance is such a wonderful thing. Roland brothers kicked ass, the new guitarist also did great job, too.(Although I always like the original lineup more.)

It's too bad that they're not the main show, only performed about 8 songs, I think. But they still did some early hits include “Shine”. This song was chosen by VH1 as Top 90's hits. I love it so much, especially the tone of electric guitar during the chorus.(The new guitarist didn't play like the original recording when playing live, a bit pity though.) I don't know why, but “Shine” somehow reminds me the feeling of “I would for you” by Jane's Addiction. Beer and good friends, cool summer night, beautiful music shine.

The final set was Los Lobos. These old man did make the whole crowd crazy. Sadly, Rock ABC seems too young for this. I heard a little rockabilly, a little Latin and also some Mexican style music. I like Santana and rockabilly is not bad, but I just can't comprehend why can't I feel the same way people dancing around?

Quick order, fast serve

Anyway, we quickly finished a pizza and pasta before fireworks at Palomino.(BTW, their happy hours sounds great, half price for all appetizers and pizzas.) The fireworks was just so different than anywhere in Taiwan. It's not as delicate, well-planned as Taipei 101 of New Year's Eve; On the contrary, it not only last longer than I expected, so many fireworks sparked the sky like it's free. In the end, still a great show though. It's also the first time for me to stay at the piers so late, Bay Bridge was so beautiful at night. Hope next time I can climb up twin peaks and see the whole view of San Francisco bay.

“Heaven let the light shine down.”

May 06, 2008

Driver License

To get the driver license is one of the purposes that I am here in the states. Although I barely have chance to drive a car, since I don't have a one, it's still more convenient to have a driver license rather than just an ID card. I have driven a car before, so I don't think it would be a hard task for me. However, I did some driving practice after passing the written test, and found it's not as easy as I used to think.

For example, American people, especially the drivers in the suburb of California, are used to a smooth traffic flow. They will not expect that accidents happen so often like Taiwan and always drive pretty fast. If I can't get rid of the driving habit of Taiwan, which people called,"defensive driving", I'll fail definitely. In California, you can't drive too slow, or use brakes that often! Anyway, it's a part of the culture, I have to get used to it. Therefore, even I already know how to drive, taking some driving lessons is inevitable.

The coach is the same guy who taught my brother and mother, (He told me that's why I got some discount. God knows!) and both of them passed the driving test at the very first time. So even the fee is pretty expensive, I still take four-hour lesson from him. Throughout the classes, I have to say there's a lot differences. If I did not learn these tips from him, it's impossible to pass the test so easily and get such a high score. After leaving DMV, it took me only 10 mins for the test and then we head back to the base. Maybe I changed lane only two or three times. My officer was an nice Indian lady, thanks her for trusting my driving skill. Finally, thanks all the support from my uncle Tom, who gave me lots of useful advices and opportunities to drive. After all, Practice makes perfect.

number of errors:1 (check the upper right side of the sheet)

“Now you got something that the whole world recognizes. It's a California driver license. Cool, huh?” The Coach said.