October 03, 2004

Chords for Mrs Jackson

I just tabbed the chords of "Mrs Jackson" from the live performance of The Vines. It's an Outkast song. The Vines did great cover.

Em, D(C type), C(add a sol), D

Just a part of the beginning, sounds ok. but there's a lot more need to practice and learn. When I feel depressed, thanks god that good freiends and my guitar are near.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob,

Thanks for leaving a comment. I was just looking through you blog and your entry on the Ms. Jackson tabs made me think of my friend James, from Berkeley. He told me one day that he had been working on writing a new song on his guitar the night before... and then after working on it for an hour or so, he realized that he was actually just playing Ms. Jackson. He was so pissed because he thaught he had come up with a great new song. Hahaha.